You can edit 8 Components for free. Get premium for unlimited access.
Install Dynamic Layer and start building in minutes.
For designers we provide a huge Figma file containing a variety of components, styles and variables. Here you will learn how to install the file correctly in order to use our file.
1. Open Figma.
2. Open
3. Click the
button in the top right corner. A drop-down menu will open.4. There you the have to click on
5. Wait until the component library is installed.
6. Open the file and use our components for your new project.
Image 2.1 : Import the file in Figma
For developers we provide a huge SwiftUI file containing a variety of components, styles and variables. Here you will learn how to install the file correctly in order to use our file.
1. Open Xcode and create a new iOS project.
2. Select SwiftUI as the interface when prompted.
1. Go to the Dynamic Layer SDK GitHub repository.
2. Copy the repository URL.
3. In your Xcode project, navigate to File -> Add Package Dependencies.
4. Paste the copied URL into the search bar.
5. Select the Dynamic Layer SDK from the search results.
6. Click Add Package to download and integrate the SDK into your project.
1. In your SwiftUI file (e.g., ContentView.swift), import the SDK at the top:
2. You can now use the SDK's features in your SwiftUI views or logic.
Here’s a simple example to get started:
Explore the SDK's documentation for available features and APIs.
Refer to the GitHub repository for examples and advanced usage.
That’s it! You’re ready to use the Dynamic Layer SDK in your SwiftUI project.
1. Open Xcode and create a new iOS project.
2. Select SwiftUI as the interface when prompted.
1. Download the ZIP file of the pro version.
2. Unzip the downloaded file and copy the folder.
3. Paste the folder into your Xcode project's root directory.
1. In your Xcode project, navigate to File -> Add Package Dependencies.
2. Click the Add Local button.
3. Select the folder you pasted into your Xcode project directory.
4. Xcode will add the DynamicLayer Pro SDK to your project.
1. In your SwiftUI file (e.g., ContentView.swift), import the SDK at the top:
2. You can now use the SDK's features in your SwiftUI views or logic.
Here’s a simple example to get started:
Explore the SDK's documentation for available features and APIs.
Refer to the GitHub repository for examples and advanced usage.
That’s it! You’re ready to use the Dynamic Layer SDK in your SwiftUI project.
1. Download android studio by clicking on this link.
2. After download complete install the android studio.
1. Open Dynamic Layer components GitHub repository by clicking on this link.
2. After visit on this page click on "code".
3. Then click on download to zip.
4. After download, complete unzip the code file to a specific directory.
1. Open your android studio and click on open.
2. Select project folder and click on open.
3. After open wait for gradle build.
1. After gradle complete now run the project to run project on emulator go into Tools > DeviceManager.
2. Device manager window appears click on + button and then click on create virtual device.
3. Now Select your device and click on next.
4. Select API 34 and click on next.
5. Now click on finish.
6. The process is complete now click on Run arrow button on top side and project will run on emulator.
Follow these steps to set up and run the Dynamic Layer React Native project.
Visual Studio Code
Download and install the latest version of Visual Studio Code
Recommended extensions:
React Native Tools
Download and install the latest version of Node.js
Verify installation by running:
Install Git for version control
Verify installation:
2.1. Clone the Repository
Download and install the latest version of Visual Studio Code
git clone
2.2. Install Dependencies
Using npm:
Or using yarn:
3.1. Start the Development Server
Using npm:
Or using yarn:
3.2. Running on Different Platforms
Press "a" to run on Android emulator/device
Press "i" to run on iOS simulator (macOS only)
Press "w" to run in web browser
The development server will start at "http://localhost:19002"
Use the Expo Go app on your mobile device to test the app by scanning the QR code
Make sure your development machine and mobile device are on the same network
If you encounter any issues:
5.1. Clear the Metro bundler cache:
5.2. Make sure all dependencies are properly installed:
5.3. Make sure all dependencies are properly installed:
Verify that your development environment is properly set up according to the prerequisites
6.1. Project Structure
The project follows a modular architecture with the following structure:
6.2. Components
Located in "src/components/", the app includes several reusable components:
6.2.1. Common Components
6.2.2. Navigation Components
CustomTabNavigator.js - Custom bottom tab navigation
CustomTopNavigation.js - Custom top navigation bar
6.2.3. Navigation
The app's navigation is managed through "src/navigation/AppNavigator.js", which sets up the routing structure. It utilizes React Navigation for seamless screen transitions.
6.2.4. Screens
The application screens are organized in "src/screens/" with two main directories:
"Main/" - Primary application screens
"PreviewScreens/" - Preview and demonstration screens
6.2.5. Assets
The "assets/" directory contains:
Icons (organized by category in "icons/")
Images and placeholder content
SVG components in "icons/svg_js/"
6.2.6. Customization
You can customize the app's appearance and behavior through:
Global styles in "src/style.js"
7.1. Adding New Screens
7.1.2. Option 1: Adding a Tab Screen
To add a new screen as a tab in the bottom navigation:
Create your screen component in "src/screens/Main/":
Add the screen to the tab configuration in "src/navigation/AppNavigator.js":
7.1.3. Option 2: Adding a Default Screen
Create your screen component in "src/screens/Main/" or "src/screens/PreviewScreens/":
Add the screen to the MainStack navigator in "src/navigation/AppNavigator.js":
Using Navigation:
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