
On this page we will inform you about the latest updates to our ui kit.
New features and updates are released monthly.

New Documentation Update / 10.02.2024

Die Componenten Button, Icon Button und Top Navigation haben eine vollständige Dokumentation erhalten. Zu jeder Componente gibt es außerdem ein passendes YouTube Tutorial in dem genau erklärt wird, wie man die Componente richtig nutzt.

An dieser Stelle möchten wir jeder Person danken die sich bisher unser kostenloses Design System heruntergeladen hat. Bisher konnten wir mehr als 31.000 Menschen helfen ihre apps schneller zu erstellen. Wir freuen uns schon auf die nächsten Jahre mit euch.

Now with code / 16.12.2023

After a few months of work, we have released the biggest update to our UI Kit to date.

There is now a matching Swift, Compose and React native file for our Figma file that contains our design system. This makes the work between designer and developer even more efficient and faster.

Many new updates / 04.08.2023

After the first version was released and Figma released some new updates, our UI kit was adapted and now has new functions such as variables

First version has been published / 17.05.2023

Initial feedback from our customers was collected and the first full version was released after the beta phase.

Official beta has been released / 04.03.2023

The official beta version has been published since March 4th, 2023 and is currently available for only $ 49. After the beta phase the price will increase to $ 149.

You can download the beta version at the following link.

Download Beta