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The Card component is used to group elements together and allows quick access to features.
This component inherits props from the Card.
You can edit the size with the md or lg parameter.
Image 2.1 : Size md
Image 2.2 : Size lg
You can edit the state with the default, active or disabled parameter.
Image 3.1 : State default
Image 3.2 : State active
Image 3.3 : State disabled
You can edit the description with the true or false parameter.
Image 4.1 : Description true
Image 4.2 : Description false
The DLCard component is used to group elements together and allows quick access to features.
This component inherits props from the Card.
You can edit the size with the .md or .lg parameter.
You can edit the state with the .normal or .disabled parameter.
The Card component is used to group elements together and allows quick access to features.
This component inherits props from the Card.
You can edit the size with the or CardSize.lg parameter.
You can edit the state with the CardState.default or CardState.disabled parameter.
The CustomCard component is used to group elements together and allows quick access to features.
This component inherits props from the Card.
You can edit the size with the xs, sm, md or lg parameter.
You can edit the state with the default , active or disabled parameter.
You can edit the showDescription with the true or false parameter.
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